The LGBTIQ Employment Equality Index is the first of its kind in Albania as well as in the non-EU states of the Balkans.  The LGBTIQ Employment Equality Index is a ranking system to determine how well companies respect the rights and dignity of LGBTIQ persons in their hiring, training, development, and general employment practices.  In addition, it rates their compliance with local labor laws on the topic.  The Headhunter Group, the largest recruitment, and human resource company in Albania and one of the largest in the Balkans, has decided to launch such an Index as part of its commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility and Workplace Diversity.  The Group has an intrinsic commitment to see equal employment opportunities extended to all citizens.  The Group is also well-placed to create and launch such an Index, as it has the credibility within the private sector to act as a judge of human resource policies.

Each year, on or around the International Day of Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia (on May 17), the Headhunter Group presents awards to the companies which have been exemplary in protecting the rights and upholding the dignity of LGBTIQ job-seekers and employees.

The Current Environment in Albania

Albania’s Government is striving and making progress to address the inclusion of women, youth, and minorities in all spheres of life.  Currently, the Government has set up a number of initiatives in various ministries designed to protect rights and promote social inclusion of marginalized groups. 

In March 2010, Albania adopted the law titled "For Protection from Discrimination."  The law protects all Albanians and specifically states that persons cannot be discriminated against because of their gender, age, sexual orientation, religion, political beliefs, ethnicity, and many other reasons.  It bans discrimination in employment, education, or any other public places.  The Commissioner for Protection from Discrimination can hear, investigate, and resolve complaints.  After reviewing all the information, the Commissioner’s office may seek to reconcile the case through mediation.  If this cannot be done, the Commissioner’s office will issue a decision containing the appropriate measures and regulations to be taken and set a timetable for their implementation.  Cases can also be filed directly with the competent court. 

On May 7th, the Albanian Parliament approved the resolution “on the Protection of the Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of LGBT Community".  The Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs, and Equal Opportunities with support from the Sexual Orientation and Gender Identify (SOGI) Unit of the Council of Europe recently developed the National Action Plan 2015-2020 with significant input from civil society and the LGBT community.  While it’s currently in draft form, it is likely to be finalized by the end of 2015.  The Action Plan will be supported and overseen by a National Implementation Coordinating Group (NICG) to coordinate activities at the local, regional, and grassroots levels.  It will be made up of The Focal Points on LGBTI Equality from the relevant Government Departments and representatives from civil society, including CSOs. 

About the LGBTIQ Employment Equality Index

The Headhunter Group’s LGBTIQ Employment Index measures the policies and practices of companies operating in Albania towards LGBTIQ job-seekers and employees.  The Headhunter Group staff interview directors and verify policies and practices of both international and Albanian companies each year.  The interview focuses on three main areas of the company’s policies and practices, including:

Policies towards LGBTIQ job-seekers and employees
Corporate LGBTIQ competency and expertise
Corporate Social Responsibility on LGBTIQ Issues and Support


This Year’s LGBTIQ Employment Equality Index exemplary companies

The awards for 2016 are: 

Gold: Vodafone Albania” & “British Council”

Silver: “Top Albania Radio”

Bronze: “Europe Agency” and  “Neptun”


If you are interested in having your company ranked in next year’s LGBTIQ Employment Equality Index or wish to receive information about the Index, please contact Mr. Elton ILIRJANI via email [email protected]  

  • LGBTIQ trophies

  • The HeadHunter Group