
Uspjeh se nastavlja, The Headhunter šalje još 15 djevojaka u Kuvait

The successful collaboration between The Headhunter and MECCTI related to hiring stewardesses for the prestigious international flight company Kuwait Airways continues.

In the selection process organized in The Plaza Hotel in Tirana on March 12th, from around 70 participants from Albania, Kosovo and Montenegro, 15 best ones were selected.

The girls underwent physical and English tests and now 15 of them will move to Kuwait, where they will undergo a 3-month training that will give them the skills needed to become flight attendants.

Around 3 months ago, The Headhunter gave this opportunity to a considerable number of girls from the same countries, which are now at the end of their training and ready to start the flights and give a kick-start to their career.